Photo of Kinga Mihályfy Argentina
  • 7Works
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Kinga Mihályfy started painting at the age of 15 and has never stopped since.
As a teenager she used to attend painting classes and had many exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Temperley and Adrogue.
She won a scholarship to go to Budapest for a whole year.
She came back to Buenos Aires in 2010 and enrolled at IUNA (Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte).
What she tries to communicate through her art is the beauty of this world and bring it to human eyes.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2009, Gallery Night
  • 2008, de NEGRO A blanco
  • 2007, Grandes Esperanzas
  • 2006, ReCreo
  • 2005, La libertad de pintar

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  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
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  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
  • Shipping costs covered by Artelista
See everything we offer you!
31.50 x 11.81 in
44.88 x 32.68 in
33.46 x 23.23 in
47.24 x 15.75 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 11.81 in

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Photo of Kinga Mihályfy Argentina

Kinga Mihályfy was born in Argentina 23 years ago, although her family is Hungarian. She started painting at the age of 15 and has never stopped. She loves art as much as she loves life. Her other passions are photography, design, Hungarian folk dance, languages and of course traveling.
As a teenager she used to attend painting classes and had many exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Temperley and Adrogue.
After she graduated from school she won a scholarship to go to Budapest for a whole year, where she studied hungarology.
She came back to Buenos Aires and enrolled at IUNA (Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte). She´s still studying.
In other words her art tries to bring the beauty of this world to human eyes.
Could it be that life imitates art after all?
\"Art is not a copy, it has its own aura and therefore it is unique. Art shines by itself and ones you get to be in front of a piece of art you can feel the energy. The art is not completed, not until it experiences a feedback from the audience. May that response be postive or negative, as long as there is some kind reaction from your part, I can call it a day\". Kinga Mihályfy

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